Erotic Playground



Learning to say no and to set boundaries is one of the hardest and most important skills when it comes to intimacy, especially for people socialized as women. One of the many reasons why this is hard is because we often have a Fear Of Missing Out - or FOMO… FOMO causes us to say yes to things that are NOT actually a yes in the body. 

When I first started to practice consent in all the areas of my life, I realized the feeling of FOMO was an enemy in my inner emotional battlefield. FOMO kept me f…

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Managing the habit of non-consensual listening


So the holidays are here, and so this is a good time to post about one of my favorite topics and areas of "practice" - non-consensual listening! Most of us have at least one Uncle Jim or Aunt Betty who seems to talk just to fill up space at family gatherings.

Non-consensual listening is something that many of us struggle with - I think particularly those of us who have been socialized as women. Non-consensual listening is when we pretend that we are still listening to someone even though we have …

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